Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution Guideline- Daily Devotional 1/1/10

(Turning over a new leaf)
52And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and people. (Luke 2:52)

John Calvin: We should be faithful in our calling. For God knows how easily the human mind burns with restlessness and is easily swept here or there being easily distracted. (Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life).

Thoughts: For a New Year’s resolution, we should seek to grow in these four areas- mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially. We might ask ourselves, how do I hope to grow in these four areas so that my life will glorify God in 2010? Below are some examples:
1) Mentally- What do I want to do to grow mentally, and what kind of whitenoise or junk am I allowing to clog up my mind? Set a goal for reading books, how much you will or will not watch TV, what you will study (maybe you could learn a language or take a course?).
2) Physically- Diet, exercise, sleep and Sabbath- what are my goals to keep myself physically fit? Many concentrate only on this on New Year’s Day.
3) Spiritually- What will I do to grow in my prayer life, Bible intake, Service to others, my role in spreading the good news of Christ? We may grow in prayer by agreeing to pray for one person each day all year (a spouse, a child, a sibling, a parent), or make a prayer list; or agree to pray through the church prayer list each week; or seek to grow in ACTS (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication). We may grow in our scripture by seeking to have a daily devotional each day; We hear, read, study, memorize, and meditate on scripture- how might we improve in each area? We can serve others by visiting, calling, cards, or helping with Habitat or housing renovation, or the food pantry; We can grow in our witness by seeking to speak to one person a month for Christ; or identifying ourselves to a broader group as Christians- opening up the door; or just look and pray for opportunities to share our faith.
4) Socially- How might I improve my relationship with my spouse/child/neighbor? What groups might I join? How can I strengthen the groups that I am involved in? Those reading this blog may want to reassess their groups on facebook- adding or forming a new group (say a Sunday School or Bible study class).
Jesus grew as a well-rounded person. We should seek to do so too. While the above is probably too many options to think about, my prayer is that you might choose to grow in aspect in each area.

Prayer: This year, this decade, Lord, help me to grow as your disciple.

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