Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12/15/10 Luke 2:13,14 Glory and Peace

13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

(Annunciation to the Shepherds- Govaert Flinck 1639)

Thoughts: Two things happen when God comes to earth: 1) He is glorified, and 2) His people have peace. 
God is worthy of praise because He does not leave us alone, but comes to us.  He is glorified because His glory is reflected on earth when God squeezed himself down to accomodate Himself to us.  God is worthy to praise because he seeks to bridge the gap we are unable to bridge.  Jesus is also the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:7) who brings peace to those who believe in Him.  It is implied here that He does not bring peace for those who do not beleive.  In fact, Jesus himself said he did not come bring peace to all earth (Mt. 10:34). Isaiah says there is no peace for the wicked (48:22; 57:21).  Yet, to those who are on his side, he brings the peace of victory, of forgiveness, of blessing, of hope, of strength, of His love.  God is with us- Immanuel- so we have peace with God, with others, and with ourselves.

Prayer: May you be glorified through me, O Lord.  May your peace flow into me and through me to the world.

John Calvin abridged:  An exhibition of divine splendor had already been made with one angel.  But now God adds even more with multpile angels. The Bible speaks of two or three witnesses as being sufficient, but here were multitudes of angels. If we cannot join with the company of angels of praising Christ for our salvation, what stubbornness we have!  "Glory to God" We are redeemed that we might testify to this highest praise.  It is not outward, earthly peace that the angels sing- but the inward peace that comes from knowing we are reconciled to God.

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