Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/20/10 John 1:3-5 Jesus the Light in the Darkness

 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Thoughts: As God in the beginning created light and life, so the Son (who is the beginner as God) is able to give light and life today.  He offers eternal life to us, and he gives us hope and truth (light).  In our world, it seems that despite the problems we have, we are turning away from our Greatest Help instead of toward our greatest Help.  We are purposefully and quickly becoming more secular.  Even religious leaders are acting like they are doing God a favor by being critical of Christianity and laissez faire toward the emptiness, and shallowness of secularization.  Yet the darkness does not overcome the light.  Light is more powerful than darkness- and God wins in the end. 

Prayer: Jesus, you are my life and my light.  Help me to trust that your resurrection will overcome death; your truth will win out in the end; your light will shine in the darkness.

John Calvin abridged: Having affirmed that the Speech is the eternal God, he now affirms His deity by His works.  There are many who agree that God is the Master Builder, but then they don't appreciate that God has said far more about Himself than that, and they fly off into firivolous speculation.  In saying that "In him was life" the writer also attributes the preservation of life to Him.  Our understanding has been plunged into darkness, but the power of Christ still allows some light to shine upon us. 

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