Monday, January 17, 2011

1/18/11 John 2:1-5 His Timing

1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 4 “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

(The author and his daughter inside Cana Church in Galilee 6/2010)

Thoughts: A good mother encourages her son to do a little bit more.  So even Jesus is encouraged to "get out there" by Mary.  The occasion was a grand one in which resources were depleted.  It is a little reminiscent of Elisha's making the widow's oil continue until she had enough (2 Kgs. 4).  It is a nature miracle, in which Jesus showed his control over the elements.  But in these verses we are reminded of Jesus' timing.  When my resources are running out, I want Jesus to help me before they actually give out.  Jesus helps in his timing and in his way.  While his mother encouraged him, she did not force him.  Part of being our Lord and our God is that He is in charge and we are not.  Our duty is to call out our need to Him and then trust Him the rest of the way. 

Prayer: Give me grace, O God, to trust you in times in which my resources are running out.  Show yourself to me as Jehovah Jireh- the Lord who provides.

John Calvin Abridged: Probably one of Christ's near relatives was marrying a wife.  We may think it strange that not only Christ but his disciples were invited by a man who ran out of wine.  Often the poor are less worried about being disgraced but also have extended friends.  Mary may not have expected Jesus to do a miracle.  Her statement to Christ was one of sympathy for the bridegroom who was in danger of being disgraced.  She may have wanted Christ to say something that would ease the awkwardness of the situation.  Christ's reply to her was an indication that the miracle was not performed in obedience to her.  Why is Christ reluctant to her when he freely gives miracles at the request of others?  Why does He not call her "mother" but relegates her to a common "woman?" Christ says this so that we would not superstitiously give to Mary what belongs solely to God.  His divine glory must not be obscured by excessive honor paid to his mother.  When Christ states that his "hour has not yet come" he is saying he is not ignoring the situation only delaying it to the proper time.  From these words Mary expects something so she tells the servants to "do whatever he tells you."  Whenever the Lord holds us in suspense, delaying his aid, we should not think that He is asleep.  Christ chooses the proper time according to His providence for working and displaying the Divine power. 

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