Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2/16/11 John 5:24 Eternal LIfe Now

24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. (John 5:24)

(San Francisco Bridge in fog- we are crossed over from death to life)

Thoughts: This is one of the great verses in scripture.  It gives hope, it gives strength, and it gives assurance.  It tells us eternal life begins not after we die- but right now "Has eternal life" not "will have."  It tells how we might obtain this- by hearing and believing.  Once we hear and believe we actually cross over now from the way of death and judgment to the way of life and hope.  The cross over does not begin when we die- but begins now- when we hear and believe- life changes now- hope begins now- forgiveness starts bearing fruit now- peace gives us a foretaste now. 

Prayer: Thank you for the assurance that we can have eternal life now. 

John Calvin Abridged: Here is described the way to honor God so that no one may think that it consists soleley in outward performance.  Life is found by hearing and by hearing he means faith as he says shortly thereafter.  But faith has its seat not in our ears but in our heart.  By faith we are reconciled to God, acquitted of the condemnation of death, given the Holy Spirit and clothed with heavenly righteousness.  Shall not come into Condemnation- reminds us that we all are worthy of condemnation but there is a conditional acquittal.  Our happiness lies in the forgiveness of our sins.  We begin to live when God is reconciled to us; and how will God love us if He does not pardon us? Hath passed- the incorruptible seed of glory abides in us by hope.  Though life has only begun in us.  Christ declares that we are so certain of obtaining life that we ought not to fear death as we are united to the One who is the inexhaustible fountain of life.

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