Friday, February 25, 2011

2/26/11 John 6:28,29 The Work of Belief

28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

(Jesus over Rio de Janero Brazil- Corcobado Hill)

Thoughts: What do we need to do to get on God's side; to make Him happy; to please Him?  It is not doing anything- except believing what is most important.  God has sent not many, but one.  Jesus is God's ambassador, His emmissary and we are called to believe in His message, and to believe in Him.  Jesus came to show us God is love as well as holy.  The Pharisees had no problem believing God is holy, but they had a problem believing God is love.  Jesus healed, helped, encouraged, told us to love both neighbor as well as enemy.  We are called to trust in this message but also trust that Jesus is the guide to God as well as God in the flesh.  Faith is greater than any work.  Faith gives the glory to its object, whereas works bring glory to ourselves.  God deserves the glory- so the greatest work is belief in Jesus.

Prayer: If the owrld tells me not to believe, help me still to believe in you. 

John Calvin Abridged: They were told to not labor for the things of this world.  But they were dull to the fact that faith is a gift from God.  They had spoken of works.  Christ speaks of one work: faith.  All that we undertake without faith is vain and useless; but faith alone is sufficient because this is all that God requires of us. 

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