Friday, April 22, 2011

4/23/11- John 19:30-42 Significance of the Burial of Jesus

Christ, Meaning of the Burail(1 Sam. 2:6).  For the Hebrew mind, death was not nearly a symbol of hopelessness as the grave (sheol) was (cf. Ps. 88,89).  Ezekial 37:13 says, "Then you will know that I am the Lord when I open graves and bring you up from them."  The power of the grave is staggering, but even that cannot compete against God's power for life. 
Prayer: May I believe in your power to raise me up even when all othe rhope is gone. 

John Calvin Abridged: This passage edifies our faith: 1) it shows how scripture is fulfilled in Christ; 2) The Jews were concerned about their laws regarding cleanliness, but not that an innocent man had been killed. (video of Church of the Holy Sepulchre built around the site of the grave of Christ). 

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