Sunday, July 3, 2011

7/4/11- The Gift of Freedom

7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10:7-8)

(Dedicating new home for Michael Blair- by LMPC; he lost his home to fire last year)

Thoughts: Where does freedom come from?  All that we have is a gift from God.  If God did not make everything, we would not have any freedom to use what God have given us.  We have time to use freely-- wasting it, or using it wisely.  Our abilities are gifts from God to use or abuse.  Anything we possess is a gift form God- for He made all that we see and do not see.  Freely we have received, therefore we are to give freely.  The disciples were given help by Jesus and was sent out to help others.  We are called to "pay it forward."  In America, we have been blessed in so many ways, with so many gifts.  Freedom is a part of those gifts, and we should use our freedom wisely.  The Law helps us use our freedom in good and kind ways.  It teaches us not to keep our gifts to ourselves, but to be generous. 

Prayer: Lord, you have freely given to us.  In gratitude to you, following your example, help me to give freely as well. 

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