Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/10/11 Ladder 6- Waiting

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. (Matthew 16:25)

(Ladder 6 company and Josephine Harris)

Thoughts: Ladder company 6 had gone into the North Tower of the twin towers.  Before they could get to fight any fires, the South Tower collapsed.  They were ordered out of the North Tower and many were running to get out.  However the ladder 6 company ran into elderly Josephine Harris who was out of breath and energy from coming down from the 73rd floor.  Josephine made the whole company slow down, while everyone else was running to escape.  The amazing thing is that when the North Tower collapsed, these firefighters and Josephine Harris were encapsulated in a stairwell.  The rest of the tower collapsed- mainly on those running a few minutes earlier; but they were safe inside a steel stairwell.  The whole company called her their guardian angel for that.  Josephine, called them her guardian angels too.
For the whole story- on NBC.  They made Josephine a jacket saying, "Guardian angel Josephine Harris."
Josephine has since passed away, but she will always be remembered as the one who saved them by allowing the ladder 6 company to help her.
    There are many stories that day of those who went into help but did not come back out.  These responders were true heroes.  But there is also hope that shows us that sometimes going the extra mile when it doesn't make sense is rewarded.

Prayer: Help me, O Lord, to grow in love for my neighbor. 

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