Saturday, November 26, 2011

Advent Devotional- Messianic Prophecy

During Advent (which begins Sunday 11/27/11) and goes until Christmas Eve, I will be blogging more about scripture passages about messianic prophecies.  Many of these passages will seem familiar to anyone who has focused on advent.  Prophecies about the first advent remind us that God is in control, that the future is in His hands, and there is a plan for salvation. There are over 300 clear messianic prophecies.  There is a large gap between most of these prophecies and the time of Jesus' coming.  As a Christian, I believe Jesus is the long anticipated and awaited Messiah.  Certainly the New Testament writers and early church were very conscious of Old Testament prophecies that appeared to be fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth. 
Below is a schedule of advent devotionals for the coming month:

11/27/11- Day 1- Genesis 3:15- Galatians 4:4
11/28- Day 2- Son of God- Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17
11/29- Day 3- of Abraham’s line- Genesis 22:18- Matthew 1:1; Gal. 3:16
11/30- Day 4- of Isaac’s line- Genesis 21:12- Lk. 2:23,24
12/1- Day 5- of Jacob’s line- Numbers 24:17; Luke 3:23,34
12/2- Day 6- of the Tribe of Judah- Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:23,33, Heb. 7:14
12/3- Day 7- of the Line of Jesse- Isaiah 11:1; Luke 3:23,32 (Mt. 1:6)
12/4- Day 8- of the House of David- Jeremiah 23:5; Luke 3:23,31; Acts 13:22,23; Rev. 22:16)
12/5- Day 9- Born of a Virgin- Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18,24,25; (Lk. 1:26-35)
12/6- Day 10- His Pre-Existence- Micah 5:2; Colossians 1:7 (Jn. 17:5,24; Rev. 1:1,2; 1:17; 2:8; 8:58; 22:13)
12/7- Day 11- Born in Bethlehem- Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7
12/8- Day 12- Presented with gifts- Psalm 72:10; Mathew 2:1,11
12/9- Day 13- The Messiah shall be called the Lord Psalm 110:1; Luke 2:11; Matthew 22:43-45
12/10- Day 14- The Messiah shall be Called Immanuel- God with us- Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
12/11- Day 15- The Messiah shall be a Prophet Deuteronomy 18:18; Matthew 21:11 (Lk. 7:16; Jn. 4:19; 6:14; 7:40)
12/12- Day 16- The Messiah shall be a Priest- Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 3:1
12/13- Day 17- The Messiah shall be a King- Psalm 2:6; Isaiah 33:22; Matthew 27:37
12/14- Day 18- The Messiah shall be filled with the Holy Spirit- Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 3:16,17
12/15- Day 19- The Messiah shall be concerned with the purity of His Temple Psalm 69:9; John 2:15,16
12/16- Day 20- The Messiah shall be preceded by a Messenger- Isaiah 40:3; Matthew 3:1,2 (Jn. 1:23; Luke 1:17)
12/17- Day 21- The Messiah shall be “from” Galilee- Isaiah 9;1; Matthew 4:12-17
12/18- Day 22- The Messiah shall have a ministry of miracles- Isaiah 35:5,6; Matthew 9:35 (John 11:43-47; 21:25)
12/19- Day 23- The Messiah would teach in parables Psalm 78:2; Matthew 13:34
12/20- Day 24- The Messiah would Enter Jerusalem on a Donkey- Zechariah 9:9; Luke 19:35-37
12/21- Day 25- The Messiah would be a stumbling block for the Jews and Light for the Gentiles Ps. 118:22 (1 Pt. 2:7); Isa. 60:3; Acts 13:47-48
12/22- Day 26- The Messiah would be betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver- Ps. 41:9; Zech. 11:2; Mt. 10:4; 26:15
12/23- Day 27- The Messiah would suffer for our sins and raised- Isaiah 53; Matthew 27, 28
12/24- Day 28- The Angel’s prophecies-  Matthew 1 ; Luke 1:26-38
12/25- Day 29- Simeon’s Prophecy- A Sword will Pierce your soul as well Luke 2:29-35

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